台湾大学教授Dr. Tsan Piao Lin来公司交流指导
作者:   时间:2012-11-14   点击数:

    应李国婧教授邀请,台湾大学教授Dr. Tsan Piao Lin来公司进行交流指导。

    Dr. Lin在美国俄勒岗州立大学获博士学位,曾在Michigan State University做博士后研究。现任台湾大学教授。主要研究方向是植物逆境生理、种子生物和野生兰资源研究。近年的部分论著有:Seed Science and Technology 2006,34: 465-474;Journal of Biogeography 2006,33:936-947;Annals of Botany 2006,98: 601-608;International Journal of Plant Science 2006,167(4): 863-872. 2006;Journal of Heredity 2006,97: 261-269;Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution 2007,42: 14-24;American Journal of Botany 2007,94(2): 194-202;Plant Cell Physiology 2008,49(4): 653-663;Genetics 2008,179: 1527-1538; BMC Plant Biology 2008,8: 111; Conservation Genetics 2010,11: 803-812; BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010,10: 124; Plant Physiology 2011,157: 1015-1025; Plant Physiology (Nov 17 2011)等。

    交流期间,Dr. Lin主要就“Arabidopsis RGLG2 functioning as RING E3 ligase interacts with At 2g 20880 and negatively regulate plant drought stress response”和“The Arabidopsis ETHYLENE-RESPONSE-FACTOR1 Regulates Abiotic-Stress-Responsive Gene Expression by Binding to Different cis-Acting Elements under Different Stress Signalings”与公司师生进行了交流。

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